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English-Russian smart dictionary. 2014.
English-Russian smart dictionary. 2014.
Notability — Not a*bil i*ty, n.; pl. {Notabilities}. [Cf. F. notabilit[ e] .] 1. Quality of being notable. [1913 Webster] 2. A notable, or remarkable, person or thing; a person of note. Parisian notabilities Carlyle. [1913 Webster] 3. A notable saying. [Obs.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
notability — index character (reputation), clout, distinction (reputation), eminence, emphasis, feature ( … Law dictionary
notability — (n.) late 14c., from O.Fr. notabilite, from M.L. *notabilitatem (nom. *notabilitas), from L. notabilis (see NOTABLE (Cf. notable)) … Etymology dictionary
notability — [nōt΄ə bil′ə tē] n. 1. pl. notabilities a person who is notable or prominent 2. the quality of being notable … English World dictionary
Notability — For the Wikipedia editing guideline, see Wikipedia:Notability Notability is the property of being worthy of notice, having fame, or being considered to be of a high degree of interest, significance, or distinction. It also refers to the capacity… … Wikipedia
notability — n. (pl. ies) 1 the state of being notable (names of no historical notability). 2 a prominent person. Etymology: ME f. OF notabiliteacute or LL notabilitas (as NOTABLE) … Useful english dictionary
Notability in English Wikipedia — For other uses, see Notability (disambiguation). For Wikipedia s guideline on notability, see Wikipedia:Notability. Notability is a term used within the English version of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia. It is as an editorial metric used to… … Wikipedia
notability — noun (plural ties) Date: 1832 a notable or prominent person … New Collegiate Dictionary
notability — /noh teuh bil i tee/, n., pl. notabilities for 2. 1. the state or quality of being notable; distinction; prominence. 2. a notable or prominent person. [1350 1400; ME notabilite. See NOTABLE, ITY] * * * … Universalium
notability — noun a) The quality or state of being notable or eminent b) A notable or eminent person … Wiktionary
notability — Synonyms and related words: Establishment, VIP, baron, big gun, big man, big name, big shot, big timer, bigwig, brass, brass hat, celebrity, chief, consequence, conspicuousness, constellation, cynosure, dignitary, dignity, distinction, elder,… … Moby Thesaurus